How to use Katib Config

Katib configuration overview and how to update values

This guide describes the Katib Config — the main configuration file for every Katib component. We use Kubernetes ConfigMap to fetch that config into the Katib control plane components.

The ConfigMap must be deployed in the KATIB_CORE_NAMESPACE namespace with the katib-config name.

Katib config has the initialization: init and the runtime: runtime parameters. You can modify these parameters by editing the katib-config ConfigMap:

kubectl edit configMap katib-config -n kubeflow

Initialization Parameters

Katib Config parameters set in init represent initialization settings for the Katib control plane. These parameters can be modified before Katib control plane is deployed.

kind: KatibConfig
    enable: true
      - Job.v1.batch

It has settings for the following Katib components:

  1. Katib certificate generator: certGenerator

  2. Katib controller: controller

Katib Certificate Generator Parameters

The following parameters set in .init.certGenerator configure the Katib certificate generator:

  • enable - whether to enable Katib certificate generator.

    The default value is false

  • webhookServiceName - a service name for the Katib webhooks. If it is set, Katib certificate generator is forcefully enabled.

    The default value is katib-controller

  • webhookSecretName - a secret name to store Katib webhooks certificates. If it is set, Katib certificate generator is forcefully enabled.

    The default value is katib-webhook-cert

Katib Controller Parameters

The following parameters set in .init.controller configure the Katib controller:

  • experimentSuggestionName - the implementation of Suggestion interface for Experiment controller.

    The default value is default

  • metricsAddr - a TCP address that the Katib controller should bind to for serving prometheus metrics.

    The default value is 8080

  • healthzAddr - a TCP address that the Katib controller should bind to for health probes.

    The default value is 18080

  • injectSecurityContext - whether to inject security context to Katib metrics collector sidecar container from Katib Trial training container.

    The default value is false

  • trialResources - list of resources that can be used as a Trial template. The Trial resources must be in this format: (e.g. Follow this guide to understand how to make Katib Trial work with your Kubernetes CRDs.

    The default value is [Job.v1.batch]

  • webhookPort - a port number for Katib admission webhooks.

    The default value is 8443

  • enableLeaderElection - whether to enable leader election for Katib controller. If this value is true only single Katib controller Pod is active.

    The default value is false

  • leaderElectionID - an ID for the Katib controller leader election.

    The default value is

Runtime Parameters

Katib Config parameters set in runtime represent runtime settings for the Katib Experiment. These parameters can be modified before Katib Experiment is created. When Katib Experiment is created Katib controller fetches the latest configuration from the katib-config ConfigMap.

kind: KatibConfig
    - kind: StdOut
    - algorithmName: random
    - algorithmName: medianstop

Metrics Collectors Parameters

Parameters set in .runtime.metricsCollectors configure container for the Katib metrics collector. The following settings are required for each Katib metrics collector that you want to use in your Katib Experiments:

  • kind - one of the Katib metrics collector types.

  • image - a Docker image for the metrics collector’s container.

The following settings are optional:

  • imagePullPolicy - an image pull policy for the metrics collector’s container.

    The default value is IfNotPresent

  • resources - resources for the metrics collector’s container.

    The default values for the resources are:

      - kind: StdOut
            cpu: 50m
            memory: 10Mi
            ephemeral-storage: 500Mi
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 100Mi
            ephemeral-storage: 5Gi

    You can run your metrics collector’s container without requesting the cpu, memory, or ephemeral-storage resource from the Kubernetes cluster. For instance, you have to remove ephemeral-storage from the container resources to use the Google Kubernetes Engine cluster autoscaler.

    To remove specific resources from the metrics collector’s container set the negative values in requests and limits in your Katib config as follows:

        cpu: -1
        memory: -1
        ephemeral-storage: -1
        cpu: -1
        memory: -1
        ephemeral-storage: -1
  • waitAllProcesses - a flag to define whether the metrics collector should wait until all processes in the Trial’s training container are finished before start to collect metrics.

    The default value is false

Suggestions Parameters

Parameters set in .runtime.suggestions configure Deployment for the Katib Suggestions. Every Suggestion represents one of the AutoML algorithms that you can use in Katib Experiments. The following settings are required for Suggestion Deployment:

  • algorithmName - one of the Katib algorithm names. For example: tpe

  • image - a Docker image for the Suggestion Deployment’s container. Image example:<suggestion-name>

    For each algorithm you can specify one of the following Suggestion names in the Docker image:

    Suggestion nameList of supported algorithmsDescription
    suggestion-hyperoptrandom, tpeHyperopt optimization framework
    suggestion-skoptbayesianoptimizationScikit-optimize optimization framework
    suggestion-goptunacmaes, random, tpe, sobolGoptuna optimization framework
    suggestion-optunamultivariate-tpe, tpe, cmaes, random, gridOptuna optimization framework
    suggestion-hyperbandhyperbandKatib Hyperband implementation
    suggestion-pbtpbtKatib PBT implementation
    suggestion-enasenasKatib ENAS implementation
    suggestion-dartsdartsKatib DARTS implementation

The following settings are optional:

  • <ContainerV1> - you can specify all container parameters inline for your Suggestion Deployment. For example, resources for container resources or env for container environment variables.

    Configuration for resources works the same as for Katib metrics collector’s container resources.

  • serviceAccountName - a ServiceAccount for the Suggestion Deployment.

    By default, the Suggestion Pod doesn’t have any specific ServiceAccount, in which case, the Pod uses the default service account.

    Note: If you want to run your Experiments with early stopping, the Suggestion’s Deployment must have permission to update the Experiment’s Trial status. If you don’t specify a ServiceAccount in the Katib config, Katib controller creates required Kubernetes Role-based access control for the Suggestion.

    If you need your own ServiceAccount for the Experiment’s Suggestion with early stopping, you have to follow the rules:

    • The ServiceAccount name can’t be equal to <experiment-name>-<experiment-algorithm>

    • The ServiceAccount must have sufficient permissions to update the Experiment’s Trial status.

Suggestion Volume Parameters

When you create an Experiment with FromVolume resume policy, you are able to specify PersistentVolume (PV) and PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) settings for the Experiment’s Suggestion to restore stage of the AutoML algorithm.

If PV settings are empty, Katib controller creates only PVC. If you want to use the default volume specification, you can omit these parameters.

For example, Suggestion volume config for random algorithm:

  - algorithmName: random
    volumeMountPath: /opt/suggestion/data
        - ReadWriteMany
          storage: 3Gi
      storageClassName: katib-suggestion
        - ReadWriteMany
        storage: 3Gi
        path: /tmp/suggestion/unique/path
      storageClassName: katib-suggestion
      type: local
  • volumeMountPath - a mount path for the Suggestion Deployment’s container.

    The default value is /opt/katib/data

  • persistentVolumeClaimSpec - a PVC specification for the Suggestion Deployment’s PVC.

    The default value is:

        - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 1Gi
  • persistentVolumeSpec - a PV specification for the Suggestion Deployment’s PV.

    Suggestion Deployment’s PV always has persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete to properly remove all resources once Katib Experiment is deleted. To know more about PV reclaim policies check the Kubernetes documentation.

  • persistentVolumeLabels - PV labels for the Suggestion Deployment’s PV.

Early Stoppings Parameters

Parameters set in runtime.earlyStoppings configure container for the Katib Early Stopping algorithms. The following settings are required for each early stopping algorithm that you want to use in your Katib Experiments:

  • algorithmName - one of the early stopping algorithm names (e.g. medianstop).

  • image - a Docker image for the early stopping container.

The following settings are optional:

  • imagePullPolicy - an image pull policy for the early stopping’s container.

    The default value is IfNotPresent

  • resources - resources for the early stopping’s container.

    Configuration for resources works the same as for Katib metrics collector’s container resources.

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Last modified April 26, 2024: Fix links in other pages (7333160)